Polarisation Type Amplified 14N Nuclear Quadruple Resonance Detection of TNT and Other Explosives in Landmines
Publication Number: | SI20551A |
Application Date: | 30. 3. 2000 |
Assignee/Applicant: | Jožef Stefan Institute [SI] |
Inventor: | Denis Arčon, Robert Blinc, Pavel Cevc, Gojmir Lahajnar, Janez Seliger |
Title: | Polarizacijsko ojačana 14N jedrsko kvadrupolno resonančna detekcija TNT in drugih eksplozivnih snovi v minah [SL], Polarisation Type Amplified 14N Nuclear Quadruple Resonance Detection of TNT and Other Explosives in Landmines [EN] |
Description: | The invention deals with a new polarisation type amplified 14N nuclear quadruple resonance detection of trinitrotoluene (TNT) and other explosives in plastic landmines, improving the signal noise ratio by 30 – 50 times thus decreasing the required detection time by a thousand fold or more. The detection is characterised by the fact that the hydrogen nuclei at the location of the landmine are polarised by an adequately high magnetic field and that by crossing levels 1h-14N in the external magnetic field as well as equalising Larmor‘s hydrogen frequency niL (1H) as well a quadruple nitrogen frequencies niq (14N) accompanied by decreasing this field to 0 and increasing the polarisation of 14N nuclei by niL (1H)/ niq(14N) compared to the balanced polarisation of nitrogen out of the magnetic field thus detecting the increased polarisation of the 14N nuclei by a classic pulse 14N JKR „remote“ (remote NQR detection) technique in the zero external magnetic field or by using SQUID, and that the upper polarisation cycle of 14N nuclei as well as the detection of the 14N signal can be repeated, while the repetition time is longer than the proton spin-net relaxation time T1(1H). |
Drawings: | |
Category: | Physical Sciences |
Technology application codes: | Physical and exact sciences, Measurements and standards, Protecting man and environment |
Market application codes: | Industrial products, Other |
www: | https://worldwide.espacenet.com/patent/search/family/020432631/publication/SI20551A?q=si20551 |
Patent offices: | UIL RS |