By clicking on the thumbnails you can view the electronic versions of our printed publications.
16th International Technology Transfer Conference proceedings (ITTC), 2023 | 15th International Technology Transfer Conference proceedings (ITTC), 2022 | ||
14th International Technology Transfer Conference proceedings (ITTC), 2021 | 13th International Technology Transfer Conference proceedings (ITTC), 2020 | ||
12th International Technology Transfer Conference proceedings (ITTC), 2019 | 11th International Technology Transfer Conference proceedings (ITTC), 2018 | ||
5th International Technology Transfer Conference proceedings (ITTC), 2012 | 4th International Technology Transfer Conference proceedings (ITTC), 2011 | ||
3rd International Technology Transfer Conference proceedings (ITTC), 2010 | 2nd International Technology Transfer Conference proceedings (ITTC), 2009 | ||
Claiming tax incentives for investment in research and development
(Slovenian language version only) (released 2021) |
Promotional poster for technology: Aggregation of microbial cells for improved fermentation Aleš Lapanje, Tomaž Rijavec Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia (released 2021) |
Promotional poster for technology: Environmentally friendly and energy efficient method for recovery of rare-earth elements Xuan Xu, Kristina Žužek Rožman, Sašo Šturm Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia (released 2021) |
Promotional poster for technology: Method for the synthesis of metal molybdates and tungstates from molybdenum and tungsten carbides and nitrides Aleš Mrzel, Damjan Vengust Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia (released 2021) |
Intelektualna lastnina v raziskovanju (Slovenian language version only) (released 2020) |
Koraki zaščite in trženja intelektualne lastnine na Institutu “Jožef Stefan” s Centrom za prenos tehnologij in inovacij (Slovenian language version only) (released 2020) |
Storitve Centra za prenos tehnologij in inovacij na področju pridobivanja projektov (Slovenian language version only) (released 2020) |
Meet the Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation at the Jožef Stefan Institute (released 2020) |
Promotional poster for technology: Method for treatment medical devices made from nickel – titanium (NiTi) alloys Junkar I., Bencina M., Zaplotnik R., Kovac J., Mozetic M. Department of Surface Engineering and Optoelectronics, Jožef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Patent application: EP3636294A1 (released 2020) |
Promotional poster for technology: Innovative superconductor-based memory device and method for its operation, using a switchable resistive element suitable for superconducting computing –compatible with superconducting flux-quantum electronics Dragan Mihailovic, Damjan Svetin, Anže Mraz, Rok Venturini Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia (released 2020) |
Consortium for Technology Transfer (KTT) (Slovenian language version only) (released 2019) |
Raziskovalni odseki Instituta “Jožef Stefan” (Slovenian language version only) (released 2018) |
International brokerage event R2B Meetings (released 2018) |
Navodila za upravljanje s pravicami intelektualne lastnine pri sklepanju pogodb o sodelovanju in konzorcijskih pogodb (Slovenian language version only) (released 2014, reprint 2020) |
Some publications of other organistions that contain JSI Success Stories
Jožef Stefan Institute Proof-of-Concept funds best practice: European Commission, Knowledge Valorisation Platform
(released 2021) |
Technology transfer through company visits best practice of Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation at Jožef Stefan Institute: European Commission, Knowledge Valorisation Platform (released 2021) | ||
KETGATE Enhancing SME competitiveness through improved access to Key Enabling Technologies
(released 2020) |
Industry 4.0 and Robotics were in the focus throughout the whole December 2021 in Slovenian Digital Center within the EU presidency. CTT contributed by organizing pitches of Slovenian companies, two lectures and bilateral meetings. | ||
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