Polarization-Amplified 14N Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Detection of TNT and Other Explosive Materials in Mines by Using Quadrupole-Quadrupole “Solid” Effect
Publication Number: | SI20995A |
Application Date: | 3. 7. 2001 |
Assignee/Applicant: | Jožef Stefan Institute [SI] |
Inventor: | Tomaž Apih, Robert Blinc, Gojmir Lahajnar, Janez Seliger |
Title: | Polarizacijsko ojačana 14N jedrska kvadrupolna resonančna detekcija TNT in drugih eksplozivnih snovi v minah s kvadrupol-kvadrupol „solid“ efektom [SL], Polarization-Amplified 14N Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Detection of TNT and Other Explosive Materials in Mines by Using Quadrupole-Quadrupole „Solid“ Effect [EN] |
Description: | The subject of invention is a new method for detection primarily of trinitro-toluene (TNT) and other explosives which contain NO2 groups as well as narcotics and other substances. The method according to the invention is a polarization-amplified nuclear quadrupole resonance of 14N nuclei. The method according to the invention improves the signal-to-noise ratio for several times and reduces the time required for measurement by the order of magnitude. It is based upon transfer of polarization from the 17O quadrupole system of spins, which exhibits relatively high NQR resonance frequencies, to the 14N quadrupole system with low NQR resonance frequencies by using a quadrupole-quadrupole „solid“ interaction between quadrupole nuclei 17O (l=5/2) and 14 N(l=1) in the zero external field. The method can be used also for detection of explosives in luggage and mail deliveries. Widening of this method is also possible on other quadrupole nuclei – sources of amplified polarization, such as 35Cl – so that the method is not limited only to 17O containing systems. |
Drawings: | |
Category: | Physical Sciences |
Technology application codes: | Measurements and standards, Physical and exact sciences, Protecting man and environment |
Market application codes: | Industrial products, Other |
www: | https://worldwide.espacenet.com/patent/search/family/020432933/publication/SI20995A?q=si20995 |
Patent offices: | UIL RS |