IJS Oprema

ID: 9629

Name: Static Light Scattering detector with Refractive Index Detector (RI)

Type: equipment for biology and biochemistry

Owner: Center odličnosti za integrirane pristope v kemiji in biologiji

Dept.: B1

Year of acq.: 2013

KET field: Industrial biotechnology

Price for usage (EUR/h): 22.35

Responsible person: Dušan Turk

Responsible person email: Dusan.Turk@ijs.si

Possibilities to rent: Research is performed by researcher of JSI.

Purchase value (EUR): 79588.89

Description/Usage: System is capable of determining the molecular weight of proteins and nanoparticles in solution in the range of 10000 Da – 1 Mda.

JSI Inventory number:

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