IJS Oprema
ID: 9657
Name: Humanoid robot
Type: robotics
Owner: Institut "Jožef Stefan"
Dept.: E1
Year of acq.: 2007
KET field: Advanced manufacturing technology
Price for usage (EUR/h): 39.22
Responsible person: Leon Žlajpah
Responsible person email: Leon.Zlajpah@ijs.si
Possibilities to rent: Research is performed by researcher of JSI.
Purchase value (EUR): 76157.9
Description/Usage: The humanoid robot imitates human motion and can perform actions in simmilar way as humans. It has 28 DOF. The height of the robot is 63cm and the weight is 8,8 kg, The robot is equipped with vision system, force sensors and audio system.
JSI Inventory number: