IJS Oprema
ID: 9655
Name: Climatic chamber
Type: equipment for biology and biochemistry
Owner: Institut "Jožef Stefan"
Dept.: E1
Year of acq.: 2005
KET field: Micro- and Nano-electronics
Price for usage (EUR/h): 44.57
Responsible person: Leon Žlajpah
Responsible person email: Leon.Zlajpah@ijs.si
Possibilities to rent: Research is performed by researcher of JSI.
Purchase value (EUR): 121598.22
Description/Usage: The climatic chamber enables testing of human performance and equipment in extreme climatic conditions. The climatic chamber simulates ambient conditions ranging from –30°C to +50°C, and can also maintain relative humidity under these conditions. It is also equipped with a vacuum pressure absorption system (VPSA), which can accurately maintain oxygen levels inside the climatic chamber to simulate altitudes up to 15,000 m above sea level.
JSI Inventory number: