IJS Oprema
ID: 9732
Name: SQUID magnetometer
Type: physical and chemical analysis
Owner: Institut "Jožef Stefan"
Dept.: F5
Year of acq.: 2016
KET field: Nanotechnology
Advanced materials
Price for usage (EUR/h): 120
Responsible person: Janez Dolinšek
Responsible person email: Jani.Dolinsek@ijs.si
Possibilities to rent: Research is performed by researcher of JSI.
Purchase value (EUR): 639376
Description/Usage: The magnetometer is based on a SQUID detector, which enables operation of the device in a classical dc mode and as a VSM (vibrating sample magnetometer). The measurements include determination of the dc and ac magnetizations, the magnetization vs. the magnetic field M(H) curves and the time-decay of the remanent magnetization on long time scales.
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