IJS Oprema

ID: 9638

Name: Micro LC system for collection and application of fraction

Type: equipment for biology and biochemistry

Owner: Institut "Jožef Stefan"

Dept.: B2

Year of acq.: 2008

KET field: Industrial biotechnology

Price for usage (EUR/h): 39.23

Responsible person: Igor Križaj

Responsible person email: Igor.Krizaj@ijs.si

Possibilities to rent: Research is performed by researcher of JSI.

Purchase value (EUR): 76263.84

Description/Usage: Liquid chromatography system for separation of biological molecules on the basis of their difference in molecular mass, electric charge, biological affinity and adsorption characteristics at higher pressure (FPLC/HPLC). Photometric detection, automatic fraction collexction

JSI Inventory number:

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