IJS Oprema

ID: 9851

Name: Spark Plasma Sintering System

Type: other equipment

Owner: Center odličnosti NAMASTE, zavod za raziskave in razvoj naprednih nekovinskih materialov s tehnologijami prihodnosti

Dept.: K7

Year of acq.: 2011

KET field: Nanotechnology
Advanced materials

Price for usage (EUR/h): Cena za uporabo raziskovalne opreme je skladna s priporočilom o zaračunavanju opreme.

Responsible person: Sašo Šturm

Responsible person email: Saso.Sturm@ijs.si

Possibilities to rent: Research is performed by researcher of JSI.

Purchase value (EUR): 251962

Description/Usage: Advantages are significantly lower temperatures as well as significantly lower mould pressure than used for conventional hot pressing and sintering.This leads to new possibilities of producing materials with extraordinary attributes, for example: nanomaterials, FGM («Functionally Graded Materials»), composite materials, semi-conductor materials for thermoelectric application, aluminum or copper alloys and intermetallic materials, high-performance ceramics.

JSI Inventory number:

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