IJS Oprema

ID: 9685

Name: Computer equipment for development of distributed intelligent systems

Type: computer science

Owner: Institut "Jožef Stefan"

Dept.: E9

Year of acq.: 2004

KET field: Micro- and Nano-electronics

Price for usage (EUR/h): 42.47

Responsible person: Matjaž Gams

Responsible person email: Matjaz.Gams@ijs.si

Possibilities to rent: Research is performed by researcher of JSI.

Purchase value (EUR): 103792.37

Description/Usage: The equipment consisted of a network of servers, desktop and laptop computers, peripheral and mobile devices, and related software. It was meant for research and development of methods of distributed intelligent systems. It was exploited in research and development projects in the fields of machine learning, data mining, multiagent systems, semantic web, evolutionary computing and language technologies.

JSI Inventory number:

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