IJS Oprema
ID: 9782
Name: RTA (Rapid Thermal Anneal) furnace
Type: physical and chemical analysis
Owner: Center odličnosti nanoznanosti in nanotehnologije (CO NIN)
Dept.: F7
Year of acq.: 2010
KET field: Nanotechnology
Advanced materials
Price for usage (EUR/h): 60
Responsible person: Dragan Mihailović
Responsible person email: Dragan.Mihailovic@ijs.si
Possibilities to rent: Research is performed by researcher of JSI.
Purchase value (EUR): 47499
Description/Usage: heating system for rapid thermal processing with a wide range from room temperature up to 1200C (50K per second). It is a table size furnace that can be used for rapid heating of small samples (max 20 x 20 mm) such as small electronic circuits or small thin film devices.
It is made of quartz tube, that can be evacuated or filled with different gases. We currently use compressed air, nitrogen, argon or nitrostar (90%N2,10%H2). With additional vacuum system, Mila 5000 UHV can be evacuated (10-4mbar) before thermal processing starts.
The temperature controller displays the actual and the programmed set temperature as the program steps are executed automatically. Up to 32 different segments can be stored in one program.
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