IJS Oprema

ID: 9719

Name: XPS spectrometer

Type: spectrometry

Owner: Institut "Jožef Stefan"

Dept.: F4

Year of acq.: 2005

KET field: Nanotechnology
Advanced materials

Price for usage (EUR/h): 76.73

Responsible person: Janez Kovač

Responsible person email: Janez.Kovac@ijs.si

Possibilities to rent: Research is performed by researcher of JSI.

Purchase value (EUR): 395000

Description/Usage: Characterization of surfaces and thin films with X-Ray photoelectron spectroscopy – XPS (ESCA). XPS spectrometer provides quantitative data on surface composition and type of chemical bonds of elements in the thin surface layer of thickness of 3 – 5 nm. Analysed samples can be metals, oxides, composites, powders, ceramics, polymers… By ion sputtering it is possible to analyse depth distribution of elements in subsurface region and in thin films up to depth of about 200 nm.

JSI Inventory number:

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