Method for Synthesis of Magnetic Liposomes in Electric Field

Publication Number: SI23095A
Application Date: 10. 7. 2009
Assignee/Applicant: Jožef Stefan Institute [SI], Nanotesla Institute Ljubljana [SI]
Inventor: Kristina Eleršič, Aleš Iglič, Aljoša Košak, Miran Mozetič, Janez Pavlič, Alenka Vesel, Andrej Žnidaršič
Title: Metoda za sintezo magnetnih liposomov v električnem polju [SL], Method for Synthesis of Magnetic Liposomes in Electric Field [EN]
Description: The subject of the invention is a method for synthesis of magnetic liposomes consisting of a phospholipid bubble, i.e. a vesicle, and of magnetic nanoparticles trapped into the phospholipid layer. The procedure according to the invention comprises the procedure of electroformation of phospholipid vesicles, i.e. liposomes, in the presence of magnetic nanoparticles. The electric field enhances the formation of magnetic liposomes from the mixture of a nonpolar solvent, lipids, cholesterol, saccharose and magnetic nanoparticles. Because this kind of magnetic liposomes can be guided by means of a suitable exterior magnetic field, they are of interest for applications in medicine for therapeutic purposes, e.g. as drug carriers to specific locations of disease or for the use in immune tests for isolation and detection of specific molecules from solutions.
Category: Physical Sciences
Technology application codes: Physical and exact sciences
Market application codes: Medical / health related
Patent offices: UIL RS