Projects | Project and Innovation Support

On-going Projects
ExSACT (ATTRACT – Phase 2)
Enterprise Europe Network

Past Projects
Evaluation of IP as a basis for proposing a long-term sustainable state aid model to promote science-business cooperation Consortium for Technology Transfer / KTT (2017-2022)
SIO 2018-19
EEN Scale-up
Central Community
Consortium for technology transfer / KTT
KTT 2011
KTT 2010
Performance of a RTD Technological Audit of the ICT RTD in Slovenia
KTT 2009
Research on the state of innovation activities in Slovenia
Lean TTT
Innovation Relay Centre of Slovenia
New Product Development
The night has its might (2018-19)

On-going Projects



The Knowledge Transfer Office Consortium (KTO) connects knowledge transfer offices from ten public research organizations (PRO): Jožef Stefan Institute (IJS), Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto (FIŠ), Geological Survey of Slovenia (GeoZS), Institute of Metals and Technology (IMT), National Institute of Chemistry (KI), Agricultural Institute of Slovenia (KIS), National Institute of Biology (NIB), Rudolfovo – Science and Technology Center Novo mesto (Rudolfovo), Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute (ZAG), and Science and Research Centre Koper (ZRS KP). The project strengthens existing KTOs, establishes new KTOs, and enhances collaboration among stakeholders in the innovation ecosystem. The goals include the protection and commercialization of intellectual property, strategic patenting, commercialization of inventions, and raising awareness about intellectual property. In collaboration with the KTO consortium of Slovenian universities, we plan activities for promotion, networking, exchange of best practices, and development of competencies, which will accelerate the processes of protecting and commercializing intellectual property. The project will contribute to the innovative transformation of the Slovenian economy in line with the Smart Specialization Strategy 2030 (S5). The operation is co-financed by the Republic of Slovenia and the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.


DIGI-SI, wherein JSI acts as a Digital Innovation Hub (DIH), is a one-stop shop dedicated to digital transformation of SMEs, mid-caps, large enterprises and start-ups, their processes and products, with proven record of successful collaboration between large research/ technology centers and SMEs in an industrial environment that enabled enterprises to upgrade to cleaner, greener, circular and sustainable production processes alongside the industrial (manufacturing) value chains. The project provides novel and/or one-step-beyond of the state-of-the-art digital technologies and out-of-the-box digital solutions/tools that are commercially not available on a market. It delivers practical and efficient artificial intelligence (AI) for smart manufacturing, health, agri food and tourism. The modus operandi of DIGI-SI is to offer services and facilitate client journey throughout the circular value chain of defined S5 priority areas, starting from enabling test-before invest, skills and training, support to find investments, all the while serving as an awareness platform of the
benefits and opportunities of the digital age. CTT acts as coordinator of the Jožef Stefan Institute DIH and supports researchers and companies in collaboration in the field of digitalisation.

Project Website


The main objective of WASTELESS is (i) to develop and test a mix of innovative tools and methodologies for Food-Loss-and-Waste measurement and monitoring, generating robust data on critical and poorly understood Food Supply Chains, (ii) to recommend a harmonised methodological Framework for food waste quantification, and (iii) to develop a decision support systemic Toolbox targeting all food value chain stakeholders enabling the duplication of WASTELESS collection points across EU territories and different food commodities. The mix of solutions for food waste measuring and monitoring will include digital and data-based cost-efficient technologies and methodologies; addressing the 5 stages of the supply chain, and tackling specific food commodities. It will build on existing work, projects, and practices for food waste measuring and monitoring, a thorough and up-to-date study of tools and methodologies, inefficiencies and requirements of Food Supply Chain actors to support the development, and case studies of these solutions. The project has the ambition to feed the model built by the JRC through specific case studies during the project and data collection replication after the project’s duration. In this sense, several food groups have been identified for which data and food waste coefficients are lacking: fruits and vegetables, fruit juices, processed meat products, dairy products, and cereal products. In the project, CTT will be involved in impact assessment and optimisation.

Project Website


European industry needs to increase production flexibility and speed up the reconfigurability of production lines in order to increase its competitiveness and profitability in a global market. In particular, the automotive and machinery are two key sectors for the EU. SmartFlexCell will bring to the market a highly flexible, easy to program, install and use advanced self-adjusting robotic cell with accuracy enhancement capabilities to perform tasks such as assembly, machining, joining also for personalized production. The flexible cell solutions, which are widely used in the industry, will be introduced to the market through a spin-out company established during the project. Robot-aided reconfiguration and accuracy enhancement technologies will be combined with innovative hardware and software providers, business developers and can be used by SMEs, mid-caps as well as larger companies. By introducing the above technologies, the cell could be used in the automotive, railway, aerospace and white goods industries for joining, deburring, grinding, polishing and cuttng metal, plastic and composite parts. SmartFlexCell will demonstrate two different scenarios, in the automotive sector and in the machining sector. In the project, CTT is assisting JSI researchers in the establishment of the spin-out company and development of the business plan.

Project Website


The INDUSAC project aims to develop and pilot a novel tool and methodology for university-industry interaction: a short (4-8 weeks) yet intense transnational collaboration between students and innovation staff inside companies. A methodology and platform will be built to enable international teams of student-researchers to work together with companies in coming up with, and delivering, innovative solutions that respond to company challenges within the cross-cutting areas of circularity and general sustainability, industry 4.0, and digitalisation. The concept revolves around the development of a state-of-the-art methodology that builds on preexisting industry-academia collaboration tools. This methodology will be validated and curated through the incubation of at least 300 transnational co-creation projects. The whole process will be powered by a virtual platform which will allow to connect players, to match co-creation team members to challenges and to monitor overall progress. CTT acts as project coordinator and is involved in all project work packages as well.

Project Website


The “AI-supported route optimization based on the IoT solution” project, as part of the DIH-World network tenders, is carried out by the company Senso4S d.o.o. and JSI. The goal of the project is to upgrade a smart scale for measuring gas in cylinders, in such a way as to optimize gas distribution routes through data on cylinder locations and actual gas consumption as well as past delivery data. As part of the project, real experiments are carried out (with the help of a specially developed online application) using the developed optimization model with the aim of determining the optimal input parameters to the model. JSI advises on the selection and implementation of appropriate methods for the analysis of input data, on the basis of which forecasts of optimal distribution routes for gas are determined. CTT provides support in connecting the company with IJS researchers.

Project Website


The benefits of lightweighting in decarbonisation & resource efficiency for circular economy has important impacts on the automotive, aerospace & aeronautics, energy and building sectors. Advanced materials and their manufacturing enable reducing weight while enhancing performance. The goal of AMULET is to create new value chains by fostering the penetration of advanced materials in different fields through cross-regional and cross-sectoral knowledge exchange. During the project, R&D demonstration projects targeting current sectorial challenges will be developed to reach TRL7. Further, all SMEs participating in the project will receive technical training suport and business-to-business coaching for accelerating the commercialising of their innovative solutions. These activities will create a self-sustainable business framework for exploring innovative lightweight-driven market opportunities. The ultimate goal of AMULET is to significantly contribute to CO2 emissions reduction in the EU by boosting the role of SMEs, in which their innovations are expected to be facilitated & supported by clusters. In the project, CTT prepares management procedures and risk management plans, as well as a system of monitoring eligibility of SME projects and their execution.

Project Website

ExSACT (ATTRACT – Phase 2)

Activities of the project ExSACT align with the overall goal of the ATTRACT – Phase 2 to establish a systematic framework to transform breakthrough technologies developed for fundamental research purposes into breakthrough innovations with strong industrial applications and societal added value. With the project ExSACT the socio-economic study is being performed to define and establish conditions to enable state administration to be an active contributor in the process of risk absorption and risk reduction on the field of industry-academia collaboration in terms of intellectual property rights and state aid, along with the simplification and optimization of public investments into research and technology infrastructures.

Project Website

Enterprise Europe Network

Within the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) project we help small and medium enterprises, as well as large enterprises, research organizations, professional and sector associations, technology centers and other entities to seize the unparalleled business opportunities in the EU Single Market.

Enterprise Europe Network offers:

  • information and practical advice on opportunities in the EU market, European legislation and relevant policies;
  • a business and technology database which presents the basis for search for suitable business partners;
  • information on tenders and international cooperation.

Enterprise Europe Network:

  • by creating synergies between knowledge holders and companies develops research and innovation capacities of companies, encourages technology cooperation and organizes cooperation meetings;
  • helps companies access research results, take part in research programs and file tender applications;
  • incorporates companies and other organizations into policy creating processes by communicating their interests to representatives of European Commission and assessing implementation of EU policies in the field of competitiveness and innovation.

Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation represents one of the contact points in Slovenia.

Project Website


EURAXESS is a European Research Area (ERA) initiative providing access to a complete range of information and support services for European and non-European researchers wishing to pursue research careers in Europe. It offers access to the job market; assists researchers in advancing their careers in another European country and supports research organisations in their search for outstanding research talent. EURAXESS is a truly pan-European initiative, supported by 40 participating countries across Europe. Researchers can find updated information on job vacancies, funding opportunities and fellowships throughout Europe. Posting their CV will allow recruiters to find them. Furthermore, companies or research institutes can post vacancies free of charge and search for CVs of international top-notch researchers. The Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation at the Jozef Stefan Institute acts as a EURAXESS contact point in Slovenia.

Project Website


As part of the project “Support for the Implementation of Open Science Principles in Slovenia” (SPOZNAJ), which has been selected for funding in the public tender of the Recovery and Resilience Plan titled “Adaptation of Public Research Organizations and the Central Technical Library at the University of Ljubljana to Operate According to the Principles of Open Science,” the Central Technical Library at the University of Ljubljana and twenty public research organizations will align their operations with ReZrIS30, ZZrID, and the Decree on the Implementation of Scientific Research in Accordance with the Principles of Open Science. This alignment will ensure that their operations comply with the provisions regarding open science in the European Research Area. The project partners will conduct training sessions for various open science stakeholders, provide specialized training on handling FAIR and open-access research data, prepare a handbook on open science, and establish support mechanisms for open science within their respective organizations.
The project will greatly accelerate the adoption of open science practices among project partners and make a substantial contribution to the digital transformation of scientific research. Partners will collaborate to share knowledge and experiences related to implementing open science principles and disseminate them to public infrastructure institutes (IZUM, ARNES), public agencies (ARIS, NAKVIS), privately owned higher education and research institutes, researchers and experts from the commercial sector, private researchers, and the broader interested public. As a result, a significant portion of research findings in the form of publications will be accessible through Slovenian repositories, with increased public availability of research data anticipated as well.
Project Website


In 2020, over 2.7 million people in the EU were diagnosed with cancer, with projections indicating a 24% increase by 2035, making it the leading cause of death. Despite Positron Emission Tomography (PET) being the most sensitive diagnostic technique for cancer, the high cost of producing PET scanners limits accessibility to fewer than 0.5% of medical centres globally. The PetVision project seeks to transform this landscape by developing a cost-effective, modular PET device with superior timing resolution. The project aims to translate European technological breakthroughs into a revolutionary, fully modular, cost-accessible range of devices for broad applications, from standard PET centres to mobile units. Through innovations in detector design, photo-sensors, and electronics, PetVision aims to significantly improve human health by making high-quality PET imaging available in diverse clinical settings.
Project Website


The aim of STEIDA project is to strengthen technology transfer ecosystem through an innovative and holistic approach which will foster national and international collaboration among universities, academic staff, businesses, students, entrepreneurs and other stakeholders by developing/using digital platforms and networks. The project will also contribute to close the gap between academia and industry through providing students with new competencies.
The project is aimed at different target groups: higher education institutions and business support organizations and their staff, students and anyone interested in a career in technology transfer. It also includes academics, entrepreneurs and companies.
Project Website

Past Projects

Evaluation of IP as a basis for proposing a long-term sustainable state aid model to promote science-business cooperation

“CRP 2021”, Focus 5: High level of cooperation, competence and management efficiency; Topic: 5.6.2 Transfer of innovation and IP rights into business practice: a  system for evaluating IP rights and regulating the interrelationships between  enterprises and research organizations in the context of the state aid system

Within the project we analyze critical points of IP rights transfer, we prepare guidelines for IPR management within collaborative RD projects, and prepare an international comparative overview of systems for valuation of IP market value in collaborative projects. We also carry out an overview of the complete process of detecting IP, registering IP as intangible assets, valuation of IP, and propositions for appropriate articles in collaboration agreements. The goal is to set up a unifying model of IPR valuation and setup of relations between industry and research also in the context of the state aid system.

Consortium for Technology Transfer / KTT (2017-2022)

Eight major Slovenian public research organizations – Jožef Stefan Institute, National Institute of Chemistry, National Institute of Biology, University of Ljubljana, University of Maribor, the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia, Faculty of Information Studies Novo mesto, and the University of Primorska, have established a consortium performing the activities of technology transfer in the Slovenian public research organizations in 2017 through 2022. The Consortium, which presents a technology transfer environment, is led by the Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation at the Jožef Stefan Institute and is co-financed by the Slovenian Ministry of education, science, and sport.

Project Website


Within the KET4CleanProduction project we are building a pan-European access for manufacturing SME to technical services for clean production through a Network of premier KET Technology Centres with one stop shop access including EEN and discourse with policy makers on the Smart Specialisation Strategy programme RIS3. In collaboration with other European institutions with KET (key enabling technologies) competences in the field of clean production we will support selected PRO-SME test projects using the PRO infrastructure. The Jozef Stefan Institute is registered as a KET Center and represents a connecting point between Slovenian institutions with KET competences.

Project Website


Within the EEN We4SME project we carry out two types of services: (1) support to companies that have obtained the SME Instrument project for selection of a coach, and (2) evaluation of the innovation management / innovation environment in companies, for which two types of certified tools are being exploited: the IMP3rove and the SMEMPower surveys. Project activities aim at improvement of the innovation potential in companies.

Project Website


The availability of technological infrastructure varies greatly amongst the countries in Central Europe. Within the KETgate project we are helping to build up a comprehensive overview of technology services and the R&D infrastructure of public research organizations (PROs) in the Central Europe area. This database will serve as a major information hub to help bridge the gap between small and medium-sized enterprises, and the so-called key enabling technologies (KET) in the region. The goal is to establish an overview of PROs’ services, establishing the supply on a supra-national level for the SMEs in the region and thus bridging the gap to enable SMEs across Central Europe to access high level technological services. The Jozef Stefan Institute is registered as a KET Center and represents a major connecting point between Slovenian PROs with KET competences.

Project Website


Within the SYNERGY project, we are carrying out a large-scale analysis of previous research projects’ results with the goal of distinguishing three project groups covering three key areas of industrial technology: 1. Additive Manufacturing & 3D-Printing (laser technologies, lithography, Inkjet, FDM, printing technologies); 2. Micro- & Nanotechnology-related Processes & Materials (Nanoparticle-filled materials, novel nanomaterials, knowledge management & databases for micro- & nanotechnology-related processes & materials, OHS issues related to nanosafety); and 3. Industry 4.0 (decentralised or customised production, production assistance systems, Human-machine interface, tailor-made products). The goal is to analyze existing know-how from finalized research projects, set up an active connection among regional and trans-sectorial actors, and develop a Synergic Crowd Innovation Platform for supporting open innovation.

Project Website


Within the Co-Create project, we help increase competitiveness of traditional clusters (mechanical, building, furniture) by cross-innovation actions involving creative sectors to define new products and services according to social trends (particularly demographic changes, climate changes and environmental risk) and the main technological trends (particularly social technologies, robotics, cloud, design, etc.). This is achieved, among other approaches, by way of gamification – introduction of computer game design elements into areas where such concepts are not developed.

Project Website


Within the EU-GIVE project we help upgrade European projects that support open science, knowledge exchange, research and innovation. Main topic of the project is the acceleration of transfer of knowledge into industry. The goal is to improve and optimize collaboration between social economy actors in Slovenia, in the fields of collaborative consumerism, production, learning, finance, and transfer of collaborative / sharing principles into traditional companies.

Presentation of the project

Project website


The SKOZ project (Center of Career Orientation West) promotes work with gifted students and is committed to their quality career orientation. The project, coordinated by the Gimnazija Vič, establishes a solid and functioning network of schools from the Western Cohesion region, research organizations and business partners, who will use projects to encourage the most talented students.

The Jožef Stefan Institute, as a research partner in support of individual or group research projects, offers mentoring for research work of secondary school students.

Project website

SIO 2018-19

The purpose of the SIO 2018-19 project, co-financed by European Regional Development Fund, the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology and SPIRIT Slovenia, public agency is to finance free of charge services for target groups within the innovative entities environment that will formulate balanced programme support for the start, growth and development of enterprises. Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation is carrying out number of activities that help to increase the number of newly established companies, the survival rate of newly established companies and to overcome obstacles of fast-growing companies mainly with promotional motivational events, informing and counselling, thematic workshops, mentoring and providing assistance through experts and last but not least, managing the portfolio of target groups.

Project Website


Within the DIHelp project, the Digital Innovation Hub (DIH) Jožef Stefan Institute joins a coaching and mentoring programme led by professionals in the field of business development, access to finance, and innovation management. In form of individual mentoring and webinars we receive knowledge that allows for a complete support to predominantly small-to-medium-sized enterprises. A regional workshop is planned within which companies are given the opportunity to receive consultation in the aforementioned fields

Project website

EEN Scale-up

In the EEN Scale-up project, Slovenian SMEs with rapid growth potential (i. e., scale-up companies) are identified. These are companies with high growths of revenue and number of employees in several consecutive years. We support scale-up SMEs by removing most common barriers to fast growth, indicated by (i) Recruiting people with the skills and ambition for technical and business roles, (ii) Developing business leaders with the ability to manage rapid growth, (iii) Selling to large companies and government, entering new markets and gaining regulatory approval for new products, (iv) Attracting appropriate growth capital, (v) Accessing research and development facilities and finding suitable premises. The services are provided in a form of business coaching and/or individual advisory support.

Project Website


Science education is crucial for shaping the present and future of modern societies. Thus, the EU needs more talented young people to increase its creativity and competitiveness. This is especially true in the STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).

However, the enrolment rates in STEM-based degree programs are low. This will ultimately lead to a workforce problem in European industries and especially in many of the new member states. The SciChallenge project seeks to address this issue by developing novel concepts for getting young people excited about science, education and careers in the STEM-fields.

Project Website


Within the INPRO project, the involved partners want to peer review IPR support programmes for SMEs in order to improve their knowledge and attitude towards this important topic as well as to transfer good practices into regional/national programmes.

Using the Twinning Advanced methodology, the Design Options Paper (DOP) on IPR services to SMEs will be elaborated in order to be at disposal for other innovation agencies to design and/or deliver similar IPR services.

Professional experts with extensive knowledge and experience on IPR and on creative moderation methodologies will be subcontracted to moderate the two peer learning workshops in order to achieve the highest quality results. The peer learning group will be composed by 12 persons from the 3 Regions/Country involved (Friuli Venezia Giulia region – Italy; Spain; Slovenia). The aim of the working group will be to strengthen the IPR support services and programme design through the application of the Twinning+ methodology.

INPRO Design Options Paper (DOP)


Energy sector SMEs in MED area are considered a strategic development asset for the area due to abundance of renewable energy resources available and the increasing demand of energy coming from the industrial sectors and urban developments. The link between energy sector SMEs and sustainable development is clear to all actors working for the economic development of MED countries.

The objective of the project is to approach both Local and Regional Authorities, and Financial Operators in charge to support energy sector SMEs development, proposing innovative financial instruments for in Local Development plans, innovative services and improving matching between SMEs in search of financial means and Investors. The project will consider the financial situation of many countries and the need to balance the public support of Energy sector through strengthening cooperation between private and public institutions.


In the context of the international economic crisis, and dramatic pressure on public funds, green-technology small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are experiencing increasing difficulties when seeking financial support from market sources. The FIDIAS project aims to develop innovative financial instruments and services to support local and regional authorities (LRAs), business investment operators and green-tech small and medium sized enterprises to avail of the opportunities of financial tools. By highlighting the importance of increasing local development actions, the FIDIAS project will reinforce local development policies, the attractiveness of the Alpine Space for transnational financial operators and innovation processes. Based on the exchange of experiences, best practices and territorial cooperation, FIDIAS will provide, through a bottom-up approach, a framework to help local and regional authorities and small and medium sized enterprises take the lead on eco-innovation and smart growth issues.

Consortium for technology transfer / KTT (2013-2014)

Six major Slovenian public research organizations, Jožef Stefan Institute, National Institute of Chemistry, National Institute of Biology, University of Ljubljana, University of Maribor and University of Primorska, have established a consortium performing the activities of technology transfer in the Slovenian public research organizations in years 2013 and 2014. Consortium which presents support environment is led by the Center for Technology Transfer and Innovation at the Jožef Stefan Institute and is co-financed by the Ministry of economic development and technology through the public agency SPIRIT Slovenia.

Project Website

EVLIA (2012-2014)

The main goal of EVLIA project is developing a dedicated methodology for the financial and economical evaluation of Intangible Assets of SMEs in strict agreement with financial stakeholders and intermediaries.

Main topics of the project are:

  • Intellectual Assets and IP valutation as a basis for raising finance and the experience of companies and financial institution on this field;
  • investigating the role of IP and IA securisation and their impact on innovative SMEs when trying to access to financial markets;
  • development of a standardized methodology aiming at evaluation intangible assets from the financial and economical point of view and its application at national and local level according to specific and peculiar needs assessed;
  • elaboration of a new role of financial players, such as venture capitalists, business angels, banks and credit rating agencies when assessing IA and particularly IP;
  • development of local networks composed by stakeholders, BIOs and financial intermediaries in charge to test firstly the new methodology of evaluation and then develop new local plans for continue and strenghten the IA evaluation;
  • strict connection with public policy makers (particularly NPOs) in seeking to alleviate the problem.

Central Community (2012-2014)

Innovation is the driver for enhancing competitiveness in European SMEs. But its application still presents access barriers, especially in the Life Science industry, where R&D costs are high and information sharing needs many efforts.

ICT technologies offers a valuable instrument to overcome those barriers, and to bring different actors to interact and work together: the creation of communities, interacting through an advanced ICT platform, leads to the generation of a collective knowledge and a collaborative approach, that can bring to new product development and new collaboration models.

Central Community project wants to enhance framework conditions for collaborative innovation among the European Life Science actors, by providing two key elements in support of innovation:

  • the creation of transnational communities based on key competence areas that define theirs needs and cooperate on the innovation process;
  • an ICT operational platform named iCOMMUNITY: the new Research and Development Agora for innovation.

TIPS (2012-2014)

Transport is one of the main factors of economic sustainability and growth, but increasing demands in that sector call for pro-active procedures in order to get more innovative solutions quicker into the market. A lot of funding goes into transport RTD, but RTD results do not reach the market accordingly. What is needed are good practices for the different transport modes, to see which exploitation channels are working, where to find financing and first users and how to access new markets.

Thus, the objective of the TIPS project is to produce better innovation in the transport sector by enhancing the capacity of EU-funded FP projects in the field of transport to be at the source of innovation and to help them transform research results into products and services.

Excellent research, but insufficient valorization? The case of the European Transport Research in the 7th Framework Programme (note: article is accessible only from IP addresses within the Institute’s network).

Project Website

IP4SMEs (2012-2014)

The purpose of Slovene-Italian cross-border project IP4SMEs, joining 12 organizations from both countries, is establishing a network of knowledge and services for protection and exploitation of intellectual property. In the course of the project, tools and activities will be developed in order to improve offered services and increase competitiveness and awareness of entrepreneurs and companies in the field of business based on intellectual property.

Project Website

Alps4EU (2011-2014)
The project addressed both policy making and cluster management activities, with a trans-regional approach and had impact on phase 2 and 3 of the policy cycle in order to:

  • build the framework for trans-regional clusters policies;
  • develop inter-clusters cooperation, moving towards meta-clusters;
  • represent alpine space clusters within EU initiatives.

Specifically, Alps4EU mapped Alpine Area clusters strategic priorities, developed guidelines and proposals for joint programming activities, elaborated a Joint Action Plan including common funding opportunities for clusters, fostered transnational technology transfer activities, promoted inter-cluster activities for innovation, promoted Alpine Space clusters at EU level.

ENVIMPACT (2011-2013)

The goal of ENVIMPACT project was enriching the European knowledge collection with the results of Central and Eastern European researchers on the topic of environmental protection. In this respect, ENVIMPACT project aimed at establishing new cooperation within FP7 programs, which could lead to innovative solutions for sustainable environmental protection.

Slo-Inno-Boost (2010-2012)

In the course of Slo-Inno-Boost activities the partners on the Enterprise Europe Network strengthened their recognisability and presence amongst the Slovenian entities of business supportive environment. In two years they have co-organized two major events and 24 regional events, where they, together with local supportive players, arranged for activities helping the companies seize the European opportunities.

Proincor (2010-2012)

The aim of Proincor project was to improve the innovation force of small and medium-sized enterprises. This was achieved by cooperating with the regional and national innovation and technology centers, universities, research institutes, universities of applied science and business developers. The vision of the project was to reduce economic disparities between the regions which were east and west of the former iron curtain, at the same time laying the foundation for a development corridor characterized by innovation.

RENDER (2009-2012)

Project RENDER was established to provide a comprehensive conceptual framework and technological infrastructure for enabling, supporting, managing and exploiting information diversity in Web-based environments. It has helped to realize a world where information is acquired and shared in a fundamentally different manner than the consensual approach promoted by movements such as Web 2.0, and where communication and collaboration across the borders of social, cultural or professional communities are truly enabled via advanced Web technology, supporting one of the credos of European society: “United in diversity”.

Project Website

COSMOS (2008-2012)

The goal of project COSMOS was to establish a network of National Contact Points for the Space theme under the EU’s 7th Framework Programme for Research & Innovation. The objective of the project was to build a network of Space NCPs. The participating NCPs have identified and exchanged good practice, elaborated and conducted training courses for the NCP staff, gathered and provided up-to-date information on Space and neighboring topics, improved project partner search and developed common concepts to raise awareness for Space in FP7 and the Space NCPs.

MAPEER (2009-2011)

The MAPEER SME project was supporting activities to create the background conditions in which Research, Development and Innovation (R&D&I) is welcomed, supported and nourished in European SMEs. The ultimate goal was to increase the participation of SMEs in the EU research programs, by improving the conditions for participation and overcoming the barriers for innovation activities.

MEDOSSIC (2009-2011)

In the course of MEDOSSIC project ten partners from seven countries cooperated to improve competitiveness, promote regional collaboration and environmental protection and encourage eco-innovative sectors of specific regions. Key activities of the project were analysis of existing state and overview of good practices, development of strategic and operative plans for establishing regional pilot structures, advising and education with intention of effective execution of measures.

KidsINNscience (2009-2013)

Innovation in Science Education – Turning Kids on to Science has developed adaptive strategies to facilitate innovation of curricula and teaching and learning of science and technology (S&T) in formal and informal settings.

The overall aim was to enhance the interest of young people in S&T and in science careers. Diversity and inclusiveness, gender equity and activity based and learner centered approaches were explicitly taken into account throughout the whole project.

Project Website

Euridice (2008-2011)

TEuridice was an Integrated Project funded by EU’s Seventh Framework Programme ICT for Transport Area. The basic concept of Euridice was to build an information services platform centred on the individual cargo item and on its interaction with the surrounding environment and the user.

The EURIDICE project had the following main objectives:

  • supporting the interaction of individual cargo items with the surrounding environment and users on the field;
  • improving logistic performances through application of the intelligent cargo concept and technologies in the working practices of operators and industrial users;
  • developing collaborative business models to sustain, promote and develop an intelligent cargo infrastructure;
  • realizing more secure and environment friendly transport chains through the adoption of intelligent cargo to support modal shift and door-to-door inter-modal services.

ActClean (2008-2011)

The Act Clean project supported Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) throughout Central Europe to implement eco-efficient production processes. It promoted environmental technologies and management systems by connecting demand and supply: it provided SMEs with technological and managerial know-how on one side and it facilitated the marketing of already existing solutions on the other.

Project Website

KTT 2011 (2011)
KTT 2010 (2010)
Performance of a RTD Technological Audit of the ICT RTD in Slovenia (2009-2010)
KTT 2009 (2009)
Research on the state of innovation activities in Slovenia with improvement suggestions for stimulating competitiveness and innovation in Slovenian economy (2009)
Tinis (2005-2008)
R4R (2007-2008)
Boost-IT (2006-2008)
Lean TTT (2006-2008)
Innovation Relay Centre of Slovenia (2004-2008)
New Product Development (2004-2007)


There is a growing skill gap between what is provided by higher education and what is needed in the EU job market. The focus of the STEM4YOUTH project is to (i) Identify the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) skills that are most required for future jobs and improve them through our educational offer, and to (ii) Accustom society, in particular young students, to recognize and appreciate the STEM concepts that occur in our everyday life without us noticing. Within the project, we help in constructing individual teaching programmes in natural science and technology subjects in high schools with the goal of envoking appreciation for the STEM concept among pupils. At the Jozef Stefan Institute, chemistry programmes are being developed, and tested in Slovenian high schools, for this purpose.

Project Website


In the face of economic challenges SMEs are widely recognised as potential engines of growth that have the necessary attributes of agility, flexibility and technological innovation. It is also recognised that they find it exceptionally difficult to mobilise the resources needed to help them bring breakthroughs to market quickly, costing time and money and inhibiting economic growth.
Within the OPEN-ISME project we help unlock the innovation capacity for SMEs, through creation of novel “Open Innovation” partnerships between European SMEs and research partners. The Open Platform for Innovative SMEs aims at the creation of novel tools that support and facilitate innovation processes within European SMEs, simplifying the collaboration with Universities and research centres. Within the project, we (i) help SMEs find potential collaboration partners within Europe’s research communities; (ii) qualify those who have the complementary skills or assets for effective co-creation; and (iii) explore the enablers and barriers to shared value creation and distribution.

Project Website


The SCALE(up) Alps project brings together six countries from the Alpine Space: Slovenia, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, and France. These diverse regions all share a high innovation potential. By establishing the Alpine Space as an innovative hub on the international level, it will attract startups, and through this, the economy in the region will improve. The main aims of the SCALE(up)Alps project are to foster the scaling up of the Alpine Space startups and to brand the region as a cooperative area for innovative businesses and job creation. The project is about improving funding opportunities, finding the talent and a skilled workforce, developing leadership and facilitating access to markets.

The SCALE(up)ALPS project is funded by the European Union under the Alpine Space programme, which is an European transnational cooperation programme for the Alpine region for 2014-2020. The total budget of the project, which will last 30 months, is 1.793.944,00 EUR (ERDF: 1.424.602,00 EUR).

Project Website

The night has its might (2018-19)

The consortium of partners Ustanova Hiša eksperimentov, Institut »Jožef Stefan«, Kemijski inštitut and Tehniški muzej Slovenije created the project “The Night has its might”. The aim of the project is to design a set of activities to be carried out in an all-European action European Researchers’ Night, in the years 2018 and 2019 (Friday, September 28, 2018 and Friday, September 27, 2019). On the researchers’ night all across Europe doors of science and research organizations will be open to welcome the general public, to whom the profession and life of a scientist will be presented.

Project website


Green transition will not take off without financing and assure the financing of innovation in green sectors that has become a common concern for all MED countries and regions. To answer this challenge, a pool of regions, clusters, business support organizations, knowledge providers and development agencies joined in the finMED project, whose aim is to boost the financing of innovation in green growth sectors through improved delivery of policies and strategies and the introduction of innovative cluster services.

Project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund within the 2nd Call for Integrated Projects of the Transnational European Cooperation Programme for the Mediterranean area, the “Interreg MED Programme 2014-2020”.

Presentation of the project

Project website

ICYDK – In case You Didn’t know

The ICYDK – “In Case You Did Not Know” project that is carried out by the Technical Museum of Slovenia with the help of the European Intellectual Property Office, is aimed at raising awareness among young people about the importance of intellectual property, as analyses have shown worrying trends among young people in the relationship and perception of this topic. The Jožef Stefan Institute participates in proactive educational activities to show the consequences of abuse and, on the other hand, the positive effects of respecting copyright and other related rights.

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