A Method and a Device for Indirect Characterization of the Damage to the Pool for Spent Nuclear Fuel | Project and Innovation Support

A Method and a Device for Indirect Characterization of the Damage to the Pool for Spent Nuclear Fuel

Publication Number: GB2530969B
Application Date: 4. 6. 2014
Assignee/Applicant: Jožef Stefan Institute [SI]
Inventor: Andrej Prošek, Ivo Klenjak, Iztok Tiselj, Leon Cizelj, Ljubo Fabjan, Marko Matkovič, Matjaž Leskovar
Title: Metoda in naprava za posredno karakterizacijo poškodbe bazena za izrabljeno jedrsko gorivo [SL], A Method and a Device for Indirect Characterization of the Damage to the Pool for Spent Nuclear Fuel [EN]
Description: This invention relates to a method and device for indirect characterization of damage to the spent nuclear fuel pool envelope enables, on the basis of monitoring measurements of coolant leakage from the system, the performance of indirect characterization of damage to the envelope and prediction of the development of an emergency event; thus, a forecast of the development of the coolant level in the spent fuel pool and a forecast of the development of the dose rate in the vicinity of said pool. Additional parameters such as inflow and temperature of fresh coolant, coolant temperature in the pool, dose rate near said pool and some others are also taken into account in the calculation of damage characterization and emergency development forecast including evacuation extreme weather forecast.
Category: Physical Sciences
Technology application codes: Physical and exact sciences, Protecting man and environment
Market application codes: Energy, Industrial products, Other
www: https://worldwide.espacenet.com/patent/search/family/051214696/publication/GB2530969B?q=GB2530969B
Patent offices: UIL RS


Extended patent application

Publication Number: SI24756A
Application Date: 16. 10. 2014
Assignee/Applicant: Jožef Stefan Institute [SI]
Inventor: Andrej Prošek, Ivo Klenjak, Iztok Tiselj, Leon Cizelj, Ljubo Fabjan, Marko Matkovič, Matjaž Leskovar
Title: Method and Apparatus for Assessing the State of a Spent-Fuel Facility
www: https://worldwide.espacenet.com/patent/search/family/051214696/publication/SI24756A?q=SI24756A