A Procedure and a Device for Non Invasive Control of Internal Temperature Variables in Real Time Between the Therapy with Cooling and Heating | Project and Innovation Support

A Procedure and a Device for Non Invasive Control of Internal Temperature Variables in Real Time Between the Therapy with Cooling and Heating

Publication Number: SI24357A
Application Date: 8. 5. 2013
Assignee/Applicant: Jožef Stefan Institute [SI]
Inventor: Aleksandra Rashkovska, Roman Trobec
Title: Postopek in naprava za neinvazivno vodenje notranjih temperaturnih spremenljivk v realnem času med terapijo z ohlajanjem ali ogrevanjem [SL], A Procedure and a Device for Non Invasive Control of Internal Temperature Variables in Real Time Between the Therapy with Cooling and Heating [EN]
Description: The invention refers to a method and device that enable control of inner body temperatures according to different therapeutic protocols. The technical problem that the invention solves is the control of inner body temperatures (hidden temperatures) that are difficult or impossible to be measured. In that context, a predictive model is used to estimate (predict) the values of the controlled inner temperature variables based on a smaller number of other variables whose measurement is more feasible, i.e. temperatures on the body surface. However, simulations are usually resource and time consuming. The predictive model is constructed using advanced methods for data analytics to capture the correlation between the hidden variable and the measurable ones in data resulting from preliminary computer simulation of the system for different input simulation parameters.
Category: Electronics, IT and Telecommunications
Technology application codes: Electronics, IT and telecoms, Measurements and standards
Market application codes: Other electronics related, Medical / health related, Consumer related
www: https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/originalDocument?FT=D&date=20141128&DB=&locale=en_EP&CC=SI&NR=24357A&KC=A&ND=4
Patent offices: UIL RS


Extended patent application

Publication Number: WO2014180941A1
Application Date: 8. 5. 2014
Assignee/Applicant: Jožef Stefan Institute [SI]
Inventor: Aleksandra Rashkovska, Roman Trobec
Title: Method and Device for Non-invasive Real-time Control of Inner Body Tem- perature Variables During Therapeutic Cooling or Heating
www: https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?FT=D&date=20141113&DB=&locale=en_EP&CC=WO&NR=2014180941A1&KC=A1&ND=4