Ferroelectric Thick-Layer Structures on Silicon | Project and Innovation Support

Ferroelectric Thick-Layer Structures on Silicon

Publication Number: SI21386A
Application Date: 10. 12. 2002
Assignee/Applicant: Jožef Stefan Institute [SI]
Inventor: Silvo Drnovšek, Janez Holc, Marija Kosec
Title: Feroelektrične debeloplastne strukture na siliciju [SL], Ferroelectric Thick-Layer Structures on Silicon [EN]
Description: The subject of the invention are thick-layer structures on a silicon base, which feature good ferroelectric properties and simple application. The invention profits from the excellent adhesion between aluminium oxide and the silicon base as well as aluminium oxide and precious metals. According to the invention the task is solved by applying an intermediate layer (2) of aluminium oxide between the silicon base (1) and the electrode (3) made of precious metals. The layer of aluminium oxide features a dopant, which allows heating up to 950 degrees Celsius.
Category: Nanotechnology and New Materials
Technology application codes: Electronics, IT and telecoms, Energy
Market application codes: Other electronics related, Energy
www: https://worldwide.espacenet.com/patent/search/family/032653805/publication/SI21386A?q=si21386
Patent offices: UIL RS