Magnetic System for Polarisation Amplified NQR Land Mine Detector
Publication Number: | SI20595A |
Application Date: | 7. 6. 2000 |
Assignee/Applicant: | Jožef Stefan Institute [SI] |
Inventor: | Robert Blinc, Gojmir Lahajnar, Janko Lužnik, Janez Seliger, Zvonko Trontelj |
Title: | Magnetni sistem za polarizacijsko ojačani NQR detektor min [SL], Magnetic System for Polarisation Amplified NQR Land Mine Detector [EN] |
Description: | The invention deals with the use of a permanent magnet with the maximum possible energy density e.g. Nd-Fe-B magnet in combination with an optimised magnetic mirror, and is attached to a preferably rotating support with counterweight. The large energy density of Nd-Fe-B of the permanent magnet (2), which spreads the lines of force of its magnetic field only to half of the space, which is achieved by using a magnetic mirror (3), provides the possibility of achieving a large density of the magnetic field at a distance of approximately 15 cm from the magnetic pole. Such a field is required for selective detection of landmines, containing TNT with the help of polarisation amplified 14N nuclear quadruple resonance detection of TNT. Because the magnetic system is attached to a rotating support (1), this allows repeating measurements and thus an additional improvement of the signal-noise ratio. |
Drawings: | ![]() |
Category: | Physical Sciences |
Technology application codes: | Physical and exact sciences, Measurements and standards, Protecting man and environment |
Market application codes: | Industrial products, Other |
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Patent offices: | UIL RS |