Method and Device for Instantaneous Determination of Moisture in Wood | Project and Innovation Support

Method and Device for Instantaneous Determination of Moisture in Wood

Publication Number: SI23011A
Application Date: 26. 3. 2009
Assignee/Applicant: Jožef Stefan Institute [SI]
Inventor: Maks Merela, Urška Mojca Mikac, Primož Oven, Igor Serša
Title: Metoda in naprava za takojšnjo določitev vlažnosti lesa [SL], Method and Device for Instantaneous Determination of Moisture in Wood [EN]
Description: The subject of the invention is a method and a device for instantaneous determination of moisture content in wood by means of nuclear magnetic resonance and weighing. The invention is a method and device based on the method of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) for the determination of relative moisture content of wood from the ratio between the mass of water in wood as determined from the free-precession signal (FID) within 25 to 35 us after the excitation and the mass of moist wood as determined by weighing, from which the previously calculated mass of water contained in wood has been subtracted. The device for instantaneous determination of moisture in wood comprises a permanent magnet with an RF coil into which a specimen is inserted, a spectrometer (1), an RF transmitter (3) for carrying out NMR measurements and a scales (4), where all are controlled by a computer which automatically determines the moisture content of wood from the measured out mass of the speci- men and the intensity of the FID signal.
Category: Physical Sciences
Technology application codes: Industrial manufacturing, material and transport, Physical and exact sciences
Market application codes: Industrial products, Other
Patent offices: UIL RS