Method for Cleaning of with Body Fluid-contaminated Medical Implantants and Devices with the Use of Atomic Oxygen
Publication Number: | SI24840A |
Application Date: | 02. 10. 2014 |
Assignee/Applicant: | Jožef Stefan Institute [SI] |
Inventor: | Alenka Vesel, Rok Zaplotnik, Miran Mozetič |
Title: | Metoda za čiščenje s telesno tekočino onesnaženih medicinskih vsadkov in pripomočkov z uporabo atomarnega kisika [SL], Method for Cleaning of with Body Fluid-contaminated Medical Implantants and Devices with the Use of Atomic Oxygen [EN] |
Description: | The subject of the invention is a method for purification with blood, lymph, blood plasma or any other body fluid of contaminated metal implants made of titanium or titanium alloy. These implants are exposed to atomic oxygen, which reacts chemically with organic material from impurities at room temperature or slightly elevated temperature, partly or completely oxidizes it, and oxidation products can be volatile molecules leaving the surface of said implants during treatment. After the sufficiently large received dose of atomic oxygen, only the oxidized microelements that are initially present in the impurities with which the implants are contaminat- ed remain on the surface of said implants. The method allows complete removal of the organic component without altering the other properties of said implants, since the treatment is carried out at a sufficiently low temperature below 100 degrees Celsius. |
Drawings: | ![]() |
Category: | Nanotechnology and New Materials |
Technology application codes: | Physical and exact sciences, Biological sciences |
Market application codes: | Medical / health related |
www: | |
Patent offices: | UIL RS |