Method for Protection of AIN Powder Against Decomposition in Humid Atmosphere or Water Medium
Publication Number: | SI20813A |
Application Date: | 14. 2. 2001 |
Assignee/Applicant: | Jožef Stefan Institute [SI] |
Inventor: | Tomaž Kosmač, Kristoffer Krnel |
Title: | Postopek zaščite prahu AIN pred razkrajanjem v vlažni atmosferi ali vodnem mediju [SL], Method for Protection of AIN Powder Against Decomposition in Humid Atmosphere or Water Medium [EN] |
Description: | The invention relates to a method for protection of AlN powder carried out by adsorption of aluminium dihydrogen phosphate on the surface of AlN powder particles during mixing or grinding in water or a liquid containing water. The procedure for protection according to the invention is characterized by dispersion of 1 up to 80 weight % AlN powder with average particle size between 0,1 micrometres and 1 milimetre in water or a solution containing between 0,001 and 2,5 moles per litre of dissolved aluminium dihydrogen phosphate. During dispersion or later during drying, the AlN powder suspension is warmed up to a temperature above 60 degrees Celsius and after dispersion, the suspension of AlN powder is dried out or the AlN powder separated from the liquid by filtra- tion, centrifugation or decantation and dried out, or washed and dried out. Alternatively, after dispersion and homogenization in the presence of organic or inorganic additives required for the preparation of ceramics, the AlN suspension may be used for the shaping of ceramic green bodies. |
Drawings: | / |
Category: | Nanotechnology and New Materials |
Technology application codes: | Industrial manufacturing, material and transport |
Market application codes: | Industrial products, Other |
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Patent offices: | UIL RS |