Method for Storing Digital Information and Storage Element
Publication Number: | DE102009000124A1 |
Application Date: | 9. 1. 2009 |
Assignee/Applicant: | Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH [DE], Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics [SI], Jožef Stefan Institute [SI] |
Inventor: | Janez Dolinšek, Michael Feuerbacher, Marc Heggen, Zvonko Jagličić, Marko Jagodič |
Title: | Method for Storing Digital Information and Storage Element [EN], Verfahren zur Speicherung digitaler Information nebst Speicherelement [DE] |
Description: | The subject of the invention is a method involving cooling of a storage medium in a monotonic manner in the non-ergodic phase. The cooling rate is modulated for storing a logic 1. The cooling is interrupted for one second for storing the logic 1. A magnetically dissatisfied system or an electrically dissatisfied dielectric is selected as the storage medium. An independent claim is also included for a device with a storage medium for storing digital information in the storage medium. |
Drawings: | ![]() |
Category: | Physical Sciences |
Technology application codes: | Physical and exact sciences, Electronics, IT and telecoms |
Market application codes: | Computer related |
www: | |
Patent offices: | DE |
Extended patent application
Publication Number: | EP2207177A3 |
Application Date: | 14. 12. 2009 |
Assignee/Applicant: | Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH [DE], Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics [SI], Jožef Stefan Institute [SI] |
Inventor: | Janez Dolinšek, Michael Feuerbacher, Marc Heggen, Zvonko Jagličić, Marko Jagodič |
Title: | Method for Storing Digital Information and Storage Element |
www: | |