Method For The Preparation Of Carrier Colloidal Powder With Specific Surface Area | Project and Innovation Support

Method For The Preparation Of Carrier Colloidal Powder With Specific Surface Area

Publication Number: SI23502A
Application Date: 20. 10. 2010
Assignee/Applicant: Jožef Stefan Institute [SI]
Inventor: Aleš Dakskobler, Andraž Kocjan, Manca Logar
Title: Priprave nosilnega koloidnega prahu z visoko specifično površino [SL], Method for the Preparation of Carrier Colloidal Powder with High Specific Surface Area [EN]
Description: The subject of the invention is a method for the preparation of carrier colloidal powder with high specific surface area for application of a thin layer and/or nanoparticles. Due to a very large specific surface area and porosity of the carrier particles certain properties of nanoparticles that they exhibit due to their small size are preserved or even increased in comparison with the use of nanoparticles as such. Handling the so prepared composite colloidal particles with an increased specific surface area is very simple. The carrier powder is produced by exploiting hydrolysis of the A1N powder, wherein during a reaction between A1N and water the decomposed A1N particles are replaced by a number of agglomerates of porous particles from A100H with a high specific surface area that can be subsequently thermally treated in order to obtain the particles from one of the transitional forms of AI2O3, i. e. y-, 8- or 9-AI2O3, without any significant change in the morphology of the particles.
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Category: Nanotechnology and New Materials
Technology application codes: Industrial manufacturing, Material and transport
Market application codes: Industrial products
Patent offices: UIL RS