One-Stage Process of Manufacturing Composite Ceramic Heater | Project and Innovation Support

One-Stage Process of Manufacturing Composite Ceramic Heater

Publication Number: SI23609A
Application Date: 13. 1. 2011
Assignee/Applicant: Jožef Stefan Institute [SI]
Inventor: Tomaž Kosmač, Kristoffer Krnel, Aljoša Maglica
Title: Enostopenjski postopek izdelave kompozitnega keramičnega grelca [SL], One-Stage Process of Manufacturing Composite Ceramic Heater [EN]
Description: The subject of invention is a one-stage process of manufacturing composite ceramic heater before sintering powder mixtures of silicon nitride (Si3N4), Zirconium dioxode (Zn02) and oxide additives (Y203, Al203, Re203, …) for sintering and organic additions to the design, while during sintering in an inert atmosphere of nitrogen or argon on the surface of the composite with the reaction of Si3 N4 and ZrO2 forms ZrN, while core product remains unreacted. After sintering the product has the right mix insulating and conductive ceramic components, and good mechanical, thermal and electrical properties.
Category: Nanotechnology and New Materials
Technology application codes: Industrial manufacturing, material and transport, Energy
Market application codes: Energy, Industrial products
Patent offices: UIL RS