Pressure Sensor with Console Ceramic Sensor Structure | Project and Innovation Support

Pressure Sensor with Console Ceramic Sensor Structure

Publication Number: SI24085A
Application Date: 21. 5. 2012
Assignee/Applicant: In.Medica d. o. o., Jožef Stefan Institute [SI]
Inventor: Marina Santo Zarnik, Darko Belavič, Marjan Hodnik, Sandi Kocjan
Title: Senzor tlaka s konzolno keramično senzorsko strukturo [SL], Pressure Sensor with Console Ceramic Sensor Structure [EN]
Description: This invention relates to a sensor module with a ceramic pressure sensor (1) manufactured in an elongated three-dimensional ceramic substrate having at least one cavity sealed with a measuring membrane (8) on which sensor elements are made, at one end of the substrate and with an electric connectors (12) and the reference pressure opening (9) which is connected to the cavity at the other end of the substrate via at least one channel (10) in the substrate, and this ceramic pressure sensor is fixed in the housing so as to form a console structure in which sensor portion of the sensor (4) with a membrane (8) on a free protruding end and the housing is divided into two hermetically separated chambers,  one of which is in one measured medium and in the other there is a part of the substrate on which the electronics and connectors are made, so that the part substrate with a membrane (8) in contact with a measuring medium on the opposite side of the membrane, such as the sensor elements.
Category: Nanotechnology and New Materials
Technology application codes: Electronics, IT and Telecoms, Physical and exact sciences, Measurements and standards, Industrial manufacturing, material and transport
Market application codes: Other electronics related, Industrial products
Patent offices: UIL RS