Procedure and Circuit for Measuring Temperature with Distributed, Frequency Dependant Structures
Publication Number: | SI21109A |
Application Date: | 27. 11. 2001 |
Assignee/Applicant: | Jožef Stefan Institute [SI] |
Inventor: | Srečko Maček, Franc Novak, Marina Santo Zarnik |
Title: | Postopek in vezje za merjenje temperature s porazdeljenimi frekvenčno odvisnimi strukturami [SL], Procedure and Circuit for Measuring Temperature with Distributed, Frequency Dependant Structures [EN] |
Description: | The invention deals with a procedure and circuit for measuring temperature with distributed frequency dependant structures. Subject of the introduced invention is the procedure and circuit for measuring temperature with distributed frequency dependant structures. The procedure is based on measuring the circuit impedance under direct current conditions and the circuit impedance at selected frequencies. The value of temperature in places, where the individual temperature dependant resistive elements are located is calculated based on a set of equations, which represent the circuit impedance under direct current conditions and the circuit impedance at selected frequencies. The circuit with distributed frequency dependant structures, which allows the performing of measurements based on which the temperature can be calculated in places, where the individual temperature dependant resistive elements are located, is calculated based on an set of equations, which represent the circuit impedance under direct current conditions and the circuit impedance at selected frequencies. The circuit with frequency dependant structures, which provides the performance of measurements in places, where the individual temperature resistive elements are located, is laid out in four configurations, which implement the required temperature-frequency features. The basic circuit of the sensor structure consists of at least two temperature dependant resistive elements and at least one condenser. |
Drawings: | ![]() |
Category: | Electronics, IT and Telecommunications |
Technology application codes: | Electronics, IT and telecoms, Measurements and standards |
Market application codes: | Other electronics related, Energy |
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