Procedure and Device for Solidification Control of Ceramic Water Suspensions in Closed Moulds | Project and Innovation Support

Procedure and Device for Solidification Control of Ceramic Water Suspensions in Closed Moulds

Publication Number: SI21150A
Application Date: 6. 2. 2002
Assignee/Applicant: Jožef Stefan Institute [SI]
Inventor: Goran Dražič, Srečko Maček, Saša Novak
Title: Postopek in naprava za nadzor strjevanja keramičnih vodnih suspenzij v zaprtih kalupih [SL], Procedure and Device for Solidification Control of Ceramic Water Suspensions in Closed Moulds [EN]
Description: The subject of the submitted invention are the procedure and device for solidification control of ceramic water suspensions in closed moulds by measuring the impedance in a wider frequency spectre or at a selected frequency. The solidification of the suspension due to a chemical reaction of the added reactant can be detected by a fast increase in resistivity – the suspension has solidified, when the electric resistivity has increased by at least 10 times. The process provides an exact control over solidification during the complete process in place, this means directly on the product, while measuring is non-destructive for the product and electrodes. There are two versions described. With the first one the frequency susceptibility of the impedance is measured, and based on Cole-Cole diagrams the high-frequency resistivity is calculated, which during solidification of the suspension increases by tenfold or much more. According to the other, simplified method the solidification level of the suspension is determined by measuring resistivity at a predefined frequency while with the help of a comparator circuit the increase of the resistivity of at least ten times is determined.
Category: Nanotechnology and New Materials
Technology application codes: Measurements and standards, Industrial manufacturing, material and transport
Market application codes: Industrial products, Other
Patent offices: UIL RS