Process of Synthesis of Dichalkogenide Compounds of Transition Metals with Built-In Fullerenes | Project and Innovation Support

Process of Synthesis of Dichalkogenide Compounds of Transition Metals with Built-In Fullerenes

Publication Number: SI20586A
Application Date: 18. 5. 2000
Assignee/Applicant: Jožef Stefan Institute [SI]
Inventor: Dragan D. Mihailović, Aleš Mrzel, Igor Muševič, Maja Remškar, Zora Škraba
Title: Postopek za sintezo spojin dihalkogenidov prehodnih kovin z vgrajenimi fulereni [SL], Process of Synthesis of Dichalkogenide Compounds of Transition Metals with Built-In Fullerenes [SI]
Description: The invention refers to the process of synthesis of dichalkogenide compounds of transition metals with built-in fullerene molecules according to the method of chemical transport. This method yields compounds with fullerene molecules built-in between chalkogenide layers. The compounds are in the form of layered crystals and tubes. The process comprises the method of chemical transport where in addition to the halogens iodine and/or bromine fullerenes are used under conditions allowing them to be in the vapour phase.
Category: Physical Sciences
Technology application codes: Physical and exact sciences
Market application codes: Industrial products, Other
Patent offices: UIL RS