System and Procedure for Managing the Electrical Power of the Cooling System by Regulating the Product Temperature and Air Temperature
Publication Number: | SI25557A |
Application Date: | 15. 11. 2017 |
Assignee/Applicant: | Jožef Stefan Institute [SI], Entia, razvoj informacijskih tehnologij d. o. o. [SI], University of Ljubljana [SI] |
Inventor: | Miha Glavan, Dejan Gradišar, Iztok Humar, Satja Lumbar, Mark Umberger, Damir Vrančić |
Title: | Sistem in postopek za upravljanje električne moči hladilnega sistema z reguliranjem temperature izdelkov in temperature zraka [SL], System and Procedure for Managing the Electrical Power of the Cooling System by Regulating the Product Temperature and Air Temperature [EN] |
Description: | The subject of the invention is a system and method for automatic power control of one or more cooling systems. Each of the refrigeration systems contains one or more compressors, condensers and refrigeration elements. The invention enables short-term management of the consumption of cooling systems, where it is possible to increase or decrease the current electricity consumption by giving the desired reference value. The system consists of three control circuits connected in a cascade and implemented by: (i) a central power management controller, (ii) a local product temperature controller and (iii) a local air temperature controller, and a system to protect against integral escape. |
Drawings: | ![]() |
Category: | Electronics, IT and Telecommunications |
Technology application codes: | Electronics, IT and telecoms, Industrial manufacturing, material and transport |
Market application codes: | Industrial products |
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Patent offices: | UIL RS |