Device for Measurement of Flow Rate or Speed of Fluids or Gasses with Several Windows

Publication Number: SI22314A
Application Date: 22. 5. 2006
Assignee/Applicant: Jožef Stefan Institute [SI]
Inventor: Lukan Alessandro
Title: Naprava za meritev pretoka ali hitrosti kapljevin ali plinov z več okni [SL], Device for Measurement of Flow Rate or Speed of Fluids or Gasses with Several Windows [EN]
Description: The novelty of this invention is the installation of additional observation windows into a flow rate meter of type „Float Type Flowmeter“. The device according to the invention can be executed as a „Float Type Flowmeter“ from optional, measure and- and environment-friendly materials without contacts of control elements with the observed substance, yet contrary to other flow rate meters, also quite different flow rate ranges can be measured as well as valve tightness controlled. The submitted invention enables a long-term undisturbed direct measurement of flow rate, and indirectly, also of speed or power of quite different magnitudes. Te device according to the invention can be executed from optional, measurand- and environment-friendly materials and, if needed, without contacts of control elements with the observed substance.
Category: Physical Sciences
Technology application codes: Physical and exact sciences, Measurements and standards
Market application codes: Industrial products, Other
Patent offices: UIL RS