Flow Device

Publication Number: GB2548889A
Application Date: 31. 3. 2016
Assignee/Applicant: Jožef Stefan Institute [SI]
Inventor: Milena Horvat, Ermira Begu, Yaroslav Shlyapnikov, Andrej Stergaršek,  Peter  Frkal,  Jože  Kotnik
Title: Flow Device
Description: This invention relates to a flow device for extracting a dissolved analyte from a liquid sample, comprising (i) a liquid sample inlet 1, (ii) a carrier gas inlet 2, (iii) an equilibration section 5, where flows of liquid sample and car- rier gas coming from the inlets are mixed and equilibration of the content of analyte in the two phases takes place, and (iv) a gas-liquid phase sepa- rator 6 downstream of the equilibration section, for separating the gaseous phase with the extracted analyte from the liquid phase of the mixture. Mixing of the two phases may take place in a mixing chamber prior to entry into the equilibration section, which may comprise a helical tube.

The lower part of the gas-liquid separator may comprise a U-shaped tube 7 branching off to two outlets, one for the treated liquid sample and another for residual carrier gas. The upper part thereof may be connected to a device 9 for measuring the analyte concentration in the carrier gas, whereby its concentration in the liquid sample may be determined via the value of partition coefficient. Preferably the analyte is elemental mercury, the liquid sample is wet flue gas desulfurisation scrubber solution and the carrier gas is nitrogen.

Category: Biological Sciences
Technology application codes: Measurements and standards, Protecting man and environment
Market application codes: Industrial products, Medical / health related
www: https://worldwide.espacenet.com/patent/search/family/059773330/publication/GB2548889A?q=GB2548889
Patent offices: GB


Extended patent application

Publication Number: SI25182A
Application Date: 21. 3. 2017
Assignee/Applicant: Jozef Stefan Institute
Inventor: Milena Horvat, Ermira Begu, Yaroslav Shlyapnikov, Andrej Stergaršek,  Peter  Frkal,  Jože  Kotnik
Title: Pretočna naprava [SL], Flow device [EN]
www: https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/originalDocument?DB=EPODOC&ND=5&FT=D&date=20171030&CC=SI&NR=25182A&KC=A