Method for High Level Authentication and Protection of Communication Channels by Way of Message Authentication Codes

Publication Number: SI21902A
Application Date: 18. 10. 2004
Assignee/Applicant: Jožef Stefan Institute [SI]
Inventor: Denis Trček
Title: Metoda za močno overjanje in ščitenje komunikacijskih kanalov s pomočjo kod za overovitev sporočil [SL], Method for High Level Authentication and Protection of Communication Channels by Way of Message Authentication Codes [EN]
Description: The subject of the submitted invention is a family of cryptographic protocols, which provide authentication and exchange of secret values, typical session keys by using KZOS message authentication codes based on simple single-directional condensing functions and providing their integrity. Subject of the invention is also a synchronization protocol belonging to the same family of protocols which is also able to use only single-directional condensing functions for KZOS and represents a support protocol in such a way that it enables an authenticated and comprehensive exchange of accidental values for the application in cases, when there is no synchronised time standard available. The result of using KZOS which are based on single-directional condensing functions are mathematically less intensive protocols, which enable effective high level of authentication and exchange of session keys also by using devices with low processing power.
Category: Electronics, IT and Telecommunications
Technology application codes: Electronics, IT and telecoms
Market application codes: Communications
Patent offices: UIL RS