Procedure of Preparation of Ceramics Based on Alkali Niobates and Alkali Niobate Tantalates by Mechanochemical Activation

Publication Number: SI22838A
Application Date: 2. 7. 2008
Assignee/Applicant: Jožef Stefan Institute [SI]
Inventor: Janez Holc, Marija Kosec, Tadej Rojac
Title: Postopek priprave keramike na osnovi alkalijskih niobatov in alkalijskih niobatov tantalatov z mehanokemijsko aktivacijo [SL], Procedure of Preparation of Ceramics Based on Alkali Niobates and Alkali Niobate Tantalates by Mechanochemical Activation [EN]
Description: The subject of the invention is a procedure of preparation of ceramics based on alkali niobates and alkali niobate tantaletes by mechanochemical activation of the starting mixture of powders. Starting powders are first homogenised in acetone or a similar organic solvent, then mechanochemically activated by dry grinding, heated, ground again in an organic solvent, dried, pressed in shapes and sintered at higher temperatures. After the heating of the mechanochemically activated powder, the formed alkali niobate or alkali niobate tantalate does not contain any secondary phases.
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Category: Nanotechnology and New Materials
Technology application codes: Industrial manufacturing, material and transport
Market application codes: Industrial products
Patent offices: UIL RS