Thick Layer Structures of Lead Perovskites on Reactive Ceramics and Their Manufacturing Process

Publication Number: SI22401A
Application Date: 26. 10. 2006
Assignee/Applicant: Jožef Stefan Institute [SI]
Inventor: Silvo Drnovšek, Janez Holc, Marija Kosec
Title: Debeloplastne strukture svinčevih perovskitov na reaktivni keramiki in postopek izdelav [SL], Thick Layer Structures of Lead Perovskites on Reactive Ceramics and Their Manufacturing Process [EN]
Description: The subject of invention are ferroelectric and piezoelectric structures on a reactive ceramic substrate, excelling in good functional properties and simple execution. The invention takes advantage of adhesion of lead perovskites to a reactive ceramic substrate and to noble metals. An intermediate layer (2) of lead perovskites is applied to the substrate (1) of reactive ceramics, followed by an electrode (3) made of a noble metal or a noble metal alloy and finally by an active layer (4) of WO2005040842A1 lead perovskites, optionally with a low-melting additive.
Category: Nanotechnology and New Materials
Technology application codes: Industrial manufacturing, material and transport
Market application codes: Industrial products, Other electronics related
Patent offices: UIL RS